
Your Health For Tag "healthy teeth"

  • Back-to-School Checklist: Don't Forget to Add Dental Appointments
    Jul. 20, 2023

    Back-to-School Checklist: Don't Forget to Add Dental Appointments

    Children’s Oral Health

    Delta Dental of Illinois offers tips to help prevent health-related school absences This school year, Delta Dental of Illinois wants to remind Illinois parents to include a dental appointment on the back-to-school checklist. Having a healthy smile can help improve kids' concentration and performance in the classroom and may help reduce school absences.

  • When Pica Strikes: Substances Not for Snacking
    May 27, 2015

    When Pica Strikes: Substances Not for Snacking

    General oral health

    When you reach for a snack, you may grab an apple, a cup of yogurt or cheese and crackers – not a stick of chalk. But for people with pica, an eating disorder that causes cravings for nonfood substances, those unorthodox eats are all too real. Pica can be caused by depression, stress, anxiety and... More »

  • From Newborn to Baby: Oral Health Guidance
    Feb. 6, 2014

    From Newborn to Baby: Oral Health Guidance

    Children’s Oral Health

    To say new parents are busy is an understatement. Between diaper changings, frequent feedings and not-so-frequent naps, new parents often don't realize that it's never too early to help little ones get started down the path toward a lifetime of good oral health. NEWBORN Even though most babies are born without teeth, they still need..